about Good samaritan center
The Good Samaritan Center is a faith-based nonprofit (501c) organization in Douglas County. We partner with churches, The Atlanta Community Food Bank, and major retailers to provide nutritious food to families. We assist those facing utility disconnections, negotiating for extra time to pay, and connecting clients with needed prescription medications. Our diverse team of volunteers, from various Christian denominations, serves in the name of Jesus Christ, offering prayer and spreading His love to all who seek our help. Our goal is to be a beacon of hope and compassion in our community.
The Good Samaritan Center partners with Douglas County churches, The Atlanta Community Food Bank, large retailers such as Wal-Mart, Sam’s Club, Publix and Kroger stores to provide a variety of nutritious foods for families including meat and produce. Clients may receive food every 2 weeks for as long as they have a need. With a photo ID, clients can meet with a volunteer interviewer to get help today.
We work with Douglas County residents who are endanger of immediate utility disconnection. We cannot pay bills, but we can usually get our clients extra time to pay. We ask clients to contact the utility company to discuss their inability to pay. If a client is to be disconnected because of an inability to pay, they can meet with our volunteer to see how we may be of help. We also have relationships with several pharmacies in Douglas County and can help our clients obtain needed prescription medications.
Our volunteers represent many different Christian denominations, but all serve in the name of Jesus Christ. Our goal is that for every client to see the love of Christ during their visit to the Good Samaritan Center. We offer prayer to all clients for specific needs and pray that all leave us with hope and the love of Christ in their hearts.